Friday, March 28, 2008

Task 8 USP

USP citroen

The USP for citroen is Technology as it should be 100% useful. Citroen want to draw attention to the fact that not only do their carshave new gizmos and gadgets (as do the other manufacturers car) but that theirs have been designed with the customer in mind (unlike other manufacturers)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Task 7 Define target market for Product, Service and Point of View Advertisement

For this advertisement, the target market base on
region- asia ( because asian own black hair)
gender - female
age -16 years old to 40 years old.
benefit - customer who want the benefit (long and silky hair) from this product


This is insurance advertisement. From the advertisement, the target audience is for

occupation- white collar worker
age- 21 years old to 50 years old
lifestyle - people who own car
benefit - people who can get the gurantee for their car

Point of view

This advertisement is Petronas advertisement. Target audience for this advertisement is

age - 25 years old - 49 years old

family life cycle - marriage and live with parent

Task 3 Poster Nestle (Change Target Market)

The poster on the left hand side is original poster. Target Market for the original poster is teenager or adult. it means target audience are targeted between age 17-23 years old.

the poster on the right hand side is created by me. I choosed the kid in new poster because i wan show the different target audience for nestle drumstick. The new taeget market is kids. Target audience that i targeted are age between 5-16 years old.

Task 6 (Definition of the words)

A Trackback is one of three types of Linkbacks, methods for Web authors to request notification when somebody links to one of their documents. This enables authors to keep track of who is linking, and so referring, to their articles. Some weblog software programs, such as Wordpress, Movable Type, Typo and Community Server, support automatic pingbacks where all the links in a published article can be pinged when the article is published. The term is used colloquially for any kind of Linkback.

Digg is a community-based news article popularity website. It combines social bookmarking, blogging and syndication with a form of non-hierarchical, democratic editorial control.
News stories and websites are submitted by users, and then promoted to the front page through a user-based ranking system. This differs from the hierarchical editorial system that many other news sites employ.

Keywords that assign to bookmarks to describe the content, also indicate what should be displayed on the screen when the page loads. Tags are the basic formatting tool used in HTML (hypertext markup language) and other markup languages, such as XML.

Displayed in the sidebar. It can be used to create links and permanently display specific things on blog.

A list of the blogs read by the blogger whose site you are on. it is used to relate the site owner's interest in or affiliation with other webloggers.

A website or web application that combines content from more than one source and various element. Three mashup characteristics are combination, visualization and aggregation.

One of sosial bookmarking sites that allows keyword searching of entire site such description, notes, and tags. founded 2003, acquired by Yahoo! in 2005

Social media
The online technologies and practices that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, perspectives and media itself with each other. Social media can take many different forms, including text, images, audio, and video.

Social bookmarking
A method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the help of metadata. People can store and share their personal bookmarks on the Web instead of inside the browser on their personal computers

Stands for Sosial Media Optimization. The Definition for SMO is to implement changes to optimize a site so that it is more easily linked to, more highly visible in social media searches on custom search engines (such as Technorati), and more frequently included in relevant posts on blogs, podcasts and vlogs.

Task 4 Perceptual Map ( Diapers in Malaysia)

Task 8: USP of the Fa

Fa is a deodorant product that will make us felt fresh all the day. The Fa deodorant use the USP strategy to promote it product by put the slogan " The spirit of freshness." It try to convey a message that Fa deodarant is the perfect solution for effective protection that will keeps us dry and comfortable for hours. This will easily attract the people who love felt fresh all the day.

Task 7: Characteristic of the Pink Ribbon Society's target market

The Pink Ribbon Society is dedicated to supporting men and women whose lives have been touched by breast cancer. The Pink Ribbon Society organizes fundraising events with all proceeds earmarked for local breast cancer support and education for help those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The characteristic of the target audience for this society is the all people who prefer to live in the health style. They are include women and men who are willing to prevent the breast cancer and care about their health and their family member health. It is target to all people without specific to the audience origin, age and income of the audience. The Pink Ribbon Society also target to the people who seek the self-actualization for themselves. This kind of people will always involve they self in the social society to help people and achieve the self-fulfillment of that.

Task 7: Characteristic of the AirAsia's target market

The Air Asia is selling the airline service company. Characteristic of the AirAsia’s target audience is the all people who salary are fall in the middle or lower income in Malaysia. That is the reason why the AirAsia always use the low price strategic to position it is always cheaper than their competitors. Secondly, it also target to the age group who are young adult and above because this kind of age group have the ability to spending and may be always need a flight to other far destination in shorter time. Third, behavioristic of AirAsia’s target audience also is the people who are benefit sought, sensitive to price and none loyalty status. So, they will easily attract and influence by the promotion doing by the AirAsia which only RM0.99 for a flight. This kind of target market will easily shift to other competitor who also offer the lowest price or doing a sales promotion. This is because this kind of target marke are likely purchase the service which is conomy,valueable and affordable.

Task 7: Characteristic of the Elvive's target market

The Elvive anti-dandruff hair shampoo under the L’oreal brand is aim to target to the female customer in who have the dandruff problem in any age stage and income level. Characteristic of target market to this product may the people who have the dandruff problem and wish to solve their problem. This target audience is covering all the age and income level in Malaysia. Second, the behavioristic of this product’s target market also is benefit sought, but they are seeking for the convenience when using the product. This product is convenience because it can solve our dandruff problem by only using a shampoo and need not go to specialist medicine center for having a expensive treatment. Third, the target audience of this product also is more pay attention to the product’s quality and have medium brand loyalty status. This means that, they will stay along with the brand if the brand provide them a good experience but may be will shift to other brand if other brand’s product is more quality then the current product they use because seldom people will have a absolute brand loyalty to the convenience product like hair shampoo. Finally, the target audience of this shampoo also is the people who have the characteristic likely to build self-confidence and self-esteem. They will felt more confident when they without the dandruff problem and no need to worry and trembling about their image will be destroy when they wear the dark color shirt.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Task 6: Definiton

Viral marketing
Generally, the viral marketing is definite as the marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message for to promote a service or product exponentially. This means that, it is a method of promotion that involves the dissemination of messages from person-to-person without the involvement of the originator like promoting information or products that other customers are compelled to give to other friends, colleagues and family. One example of viral marketing is encouraging current and potential customers to tell others about the company's products and services, and in turn encouraging those others to tell even more others.
On the Internet, viral marketing is definition as any marketing technique that induces Web sites or users to pass on a marketing message to other sites or users, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and effect. One example of successful viral marketing is Hotmail, a company, now owned by Microsoft which promotes its service and its own advertisers' messages in every user's e-mail notes. Viral marketing is depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly. If the pass-along numbers get too low, the overall growth quickly fizzles. At the height of B2C it seemed as if every startup had a viral component to its strategy, or at least claimed to have one. However, relatively few marketing viruses achieve success on a scale similar to Hotmail, widely cited as the first example of viral marketing.

Buzz marketing
Buzz marketing is a viral marketing technique that attempts to make each encounter with a consumer appear to be a unique, spontaneous personal exchange of information instead of a calculated marketing pitch choreographed by a professional advertiser. Historically, buzz marketing campaigns have been designed to be very theatrical in nature. The advertiser reveals information about the product or service to only a few "knowing" people in the target audience. By purposely seeking out on-on-one conversations with those who heavily influence their peers, buzz marketers create a sophisticated word-of-mouth campaign where consumers are flattered to be included in the elite group of those "in the know" and willingly spread the word to their friends and colleagues. As conclusion, the buzz marketing can shortly define a word-of-mouth, low-cost viral marketing technique that uniquely captivates an audience to the extent that discussion of a subject or brand is compelling and exciting. Often spontaneous in nature and reliant on key opinion leaders and trendsetters to disseminate exclusive information to a select group of publics.
Although buzz marketing is not new, Internet technology has changed the way it's being used. Buzz campaigns are now being initiated in chat rooms, where marketing representatives assume an identity appropriate to their target audience and pitch their product. Personal Web logs (
blogs) are another popular media for electronic buzz marketing campaigns; advertisers seek out authors of the "right kind of blog" and trade product or currency for promotion. Instant messaging (IM) applications are also being looked at as a vehicle for carrying out buzz marketing campaigns with either humans or IM bots doing the pitching. As with all buzz campaigns, the power of the IM model relies on the influence an individual has in an established small network -- in this case, his buddy list. As technology continues to facilitate the delivery of a electronic buzz marketing message easier, and software applications make message deliveries easier to quantify, some advertising experts predict that electronic buzz marketing techniques will become a standard component in all cross-media advertising campaigns. Others warn that abuse of this potentially powerful electronic marketing technique will be its downfall.

Vblog can call as Vlog or Vblog. The names is short for videoblog and refers to a blog that has video content. Regular entries are typically presented in reverse chronological order and often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata.
Vlogs also often take advantage of
web syndication to allow for the distribution of video over the Internet using either the RSS or Atom syndication formats, for automatic aggregation and playback on mobile devices and personal computers (See video podcast). Though many vlogs are collaborative efforts, the majority of vlogs and vlog entries are authored by individuals.

Podcasting is a method of publishing or distributing multimedia content (i.e. audio and video) over the Web. Podcasts are made available through syndication feeds, which enable new content, or episodes, to be automatically delivered to a personal computer. Users subscribe to podcasts that are pushed to aggregators, also called podcatchers. Other than that, podcasting also as an audio broadcast that has been converted to an MP3 file or other audio file format for playback in a digital music player or computer. The "pod" in podcast was coined from "iPod," the predominant portable, digital music player, and although podcasts are mostly verbal, they may contain music. Basically, in podcasting, we can create audio files that are available on our website, which people can then download to their iPods or MP3 players and listen to from that website. “Podcasts” are delivered through RSS (Rich Site Summary) feeds; users subscribe to various podcasts which are then checked regularly for updates – just like blogs. So, podcasting is essentially another medium for delivering syndicated web content to your users. Linda Roeder calls podcasting “blogging with sound”. On the other hand, the podcasting is not just for ongoing broadcasts, rather the term is used for recording anything and everything to be played back in a digital player. "Sound seeing" is the audio recording of a person's experiences when traveling. Museums are making their audio tours available as podcasts for download, and art students and professors are creating their own "unauthorized" and often more controversial narrations of famous art works.
The podcasting just like blogs and it services are being developed to help podcast fans find and sort through the ever-growing number of available podcasts. For example, iTunes now has a podcast feature; sites such as allow users to find and subscribe to podcasts and even create podcasts of their own. Podcasts began as audio-only recordings, but enhanced podcasts—containing audio and graphics—and video podcasts, or vodcasts—containing audio and video—are becoming increasingly available. Podcasts are generally produced as a series, much like radio or television series. Podcasting has much in common with blogging, which involves publishing a series of entries that are made available to subscribers through syndication feeds.

Content casting
Contentcasting is a reference to the putting content online, and then trying to spread the word about it is so 2006. Contentcasting is set to be the new standard, enabled by RSS and a growing number of online users that are finding the only way to keep up with all the news and information they care about is to subscribe to feeds and access it that way. Contentcasting will relate to videoblogs, audio podcasts, and frequently updated content in any area of the site - from a blog to a newsroom. Got content that you want to spread around? Don't just market it -- broadcast it and let your users/customers pick up the feeds.

Word-of-mouth marketing, also known as buzz marketing and viral advertising, can be highly valued by product marketers. Because of the personal nature of the communications between individuals, it is believed that product information communicated in this way has an added layer of credibility. Research points to individuals being more inclined to believe WOMM than more formal forms of promotion methods; the receiver of word-of-mouth referrals tends to believe that the communicator is speaking honestly and is unlikely to have an ulterior motive (i.e. they are not receiving an incentive for their referrals).
In order to promote and manage word-of-mouth communications, marketers use
publicity techniques as well as viral marketing methods to achieve desired behavioral response. Influencer marketing is increasingly used to seed WOMM by targeting key individuals that have authority and a high number of personal connections.
Marketers place significant value on positive word-of-mouth, which has historically been achieved by creating products or services that generate such "buzz" naturally. The relatively new practice of word of mouth marketing attempts to inject positive "buzz" into conversations directly. While marketers have always hoped to achieve positive word-of-mouth, deliberate efforts to generate beneficial consumer conversations must be transparent and honestly. Word-of-mouth effects in the life cycle of cultural goods has been mathematically modeled.

Widget as a hypothetical product used to illustrate a business concept. It can embeddable chunks of code have existed since the start of the World Wide Web. Web developers have long sought and used third party code chunks in their pages. It could be said that the original web widgets were the link counters and advertising banners that grew up alongside the early web. Later, ad and affiliate networks used code widgets for distribution purposes. The widget is anything that can be embedded within a page of HTML, i.e. a web page. A widget adds some content to that page that is not static. Generally widgets are third party originated, though they can be home made. Widgets are also known as modules, snippets, and plug-ins. Widgets are now commonplace and are used by bloggers, social network users, auction sites and owners of personal web sites. They exist on home page sites such as iGoogle, Netvibes, Pageflakes, SpringWidgets and yourminis. Widgets are used as a distribution method by ad networks such as Google’s AdSense, by media sites such as Flickr, by video sites such as YouTube and by hundreds of other organizations.
The term widget is used to refer to either the graphic component or its controlling program or to refer to the combination of both. It is a generic term for the part of a
GUI that allows the user to interface with the application and operating system. Widgets display information and invite the user to act in a number of ways. Typical widgets include buttons, dialog boxes, pop-up windows, pull-down menus, icons, scroll bars, resizable window edges, progress indicators, selection boxes, windows, tear-off menus, menu bars, toggle switches and forms. The widget also refers to the program that is written in order to make the graphic widget in the GUI look and perform in a specified way, depending on what action the user takes while interfacing with the GUI. The widget applications can be integrated within a third party website by the placement of a small snippet of code. This is becoming a distribution or marketing channel for many companies. The code brings in ‘live’ content – advertisements, links, images – from a third party site without the web site owner having to update.

Bliget is a list of your favorite items on a blog.

Chicklet is a “feed” button that normally contains a feed reader logo and has a specific blog or feed information attached to it. It is coded to easily allow users to subscribe to a feed. Chicklet also is a slang term for the small, often orange buttons used as links to RSS files which is a method of describing news or other Web content that is available for "feeding" (distribution or syndication) from an online publisher to Web users. RSS is an application of the Extensible Markup Language ( XML) that adheres to the World Wide Web Consortium's Resource Description Framework ( RDF). Most podcatchers allow a user to "drag and drop" chicklets directly onto them to easily add a subscription.

BuzzTracker is looking for high quality blogs that feature original content and a regular frequency of postings.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Task 4: Perceptual Map

The figure above is is my perceptual map to the various brand of automobile which consist of Perodua, Proton, Honda, Hyundai, Ford, Mithubishi, Audi, BMW and Mercedise Benz. This kind brand of car was take various place in my perceptual like the figure above depend to the product's price and quality.

Task 3: Ipodnano poster

This poster is related to the Ipodnano printed ads. The left hand side is original poster which trying target to the teenagers who is categories in the Generation Y by convey the message with hear the Ipod it can felt the power of the music and will very enjoy it till they can dance in any style they like. The concept of this poster is target to the peole who stress on the ipodnano function which can play the music just like the artics sing the song beside our ears.

The right hand side poster is I create try to target the product as easy to bring and use the dog as the backgroud is try to attract the visual of mass audience and also wish to attract other target audience other than the teenagers like working people who wish to purchase things which is convinience to bring. During this poster, I'm try to position the Ipodnano as very convenience product and can bring it to anyway by easily and won't felt exhaustion to bring it out. Other than that, i also use the cute dog for target to more younger generation to by the Ipodnano.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Task 5: Banner ads

This banner is exposure accidently in a website I search before, it attract me to see it because it use the animation effect, look like colorful and the dialogue also is special and make people curious to check it out the content of that website isn’t really can make us to become funny when we felt boring.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Task 5 Banner Advertisement

This advertisement provided by Melrose Girly Chick. From this advertisement, pink colour is a dreaming colour for all ladies. I think this will easy to get attention from ladies who view this banner advertisement. The message of this banner advertisement is get the jewelry must-have you caves....... without the guilt. i suggest that if the jewelry change to other colour is more attract viewer. base in this banner adv, i feel that the jewelry are not attract me but the company name and pink colour are attract my attention.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Task 1 Sensodyne Toothpaste

This is very important things in my life- sensodyne toothpaste. i start using this toothpaste last 2 years. I have sensitive teeth problem, therefore i cannot eat cold food like ice-cream. But my favourite food is ice-cream. I still remember on that day, i switch on the TV and on that time is showing sensodyne toothpaste advertisement. I get the information that sensodye toothpaste can make our teeth strong and not afraid to eat cold food, so, i try to using it. It's amazing, now i dont have the problem again. Thanks sensodyne, i love you forever.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I put the toothpaste picture bcos i felt it is very important to me and also all people for daily activities....I was using this toothpaste since my mother started to teach me brush my teeth, althought i have try another brand before but finally i also use back the Darlie brand toothbrudh because the mint flavor of this toothpaste is not very strong like other brand and it is suitable fr me. Even it just a cheap and the thing we would not purchase everyday but it can make me felt confidence when talk with other and will uncomfortable if one day without using it. Other that, it also can avoid my teeth become decayed and make me fresh after brush my teeth.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Task 2 Cute Advertisement

I like this advertisement so much. this is because, the creator use baby to attract target audience. Furthermore, babies in this advertisement all look like adult, act like adult. I can clearly understand the message of this advertisement.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Task 2: Internet Explorer 7

I thinks this ads is quite attract me because it can imply told the audience by using the IE 7 we can do all the thing we wish to do daily in the easier ways. This ads is using the method which is easily understand by the audience and the ads content meaning also close to the audience normal life. Because of this, this ads is easy to remember by the audience and funny. I quiet like this ads bcos i thnk it is creative and give suprise to me.....: )
