Sunday, February 24, 2008

Task 5 Banner Advertisement

This advertisement provided by Melrose Girly Chick. From this advertisement, pink colour is a dreaming colour for all ladies. I think this will easy to get attention from ladies who view this banner advertisement. The message of this banner advertisement is get the jewelry must-have you caves....... without the guilt. i suggest that if the jewelry change to other colour is more attract viewer. base in this banner adv, i feel that the jewelry are not attract me but the company name and pink colour are attract my attention.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Task 1 Sensodyne Toothpaste

This is very important things in my life- sensodyne toothpaste. i start using this toothpaste last 2 years. I have sensitive teeth problem, therefore i cannot eat cold food like ice-cream. But my favourite food is ice-cream. I still remember on that day, i switch on the TV and on that time is showing sensodyne toothpaste advertisement. I get the information that sensodye toothpaste can make our teeth strong and not afraid to eat cold food, so, i try to using it. It's amazing, now i dont have the problem again. Thanks sensodyne, i love you forever.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I put the toothpaste picture bcos i felt it is very important to me and also all people for daily activities....I was using this toothpaste since my mother started to teach me brush my teeth, althought i have try another brand before but finally i also use back the Darlie brand toothbrudh because the mint flavor of this toothpaste is not very strong like other brand and it is suitable fr me. Even it just a cheap and the thing we would not purchase everyday but it can make me felt confidence when talk with other and will uncomfortable if one day without using it. Other that, it also can avoid my teeth become decayed and make me fresh after brush my teeth.
